Custom Weight Loss Program in Tempe AZ
Take The Steps to Living Better in Tempe AZ
Tired of excessive exercise, restricted diets, and fancy diet pills? They aren't helping you. Making a safe and effective lifestyle change in your health in Tempe AZ is important.
At Chirowell, Dr. Jae offers a unique program to assist in weight loss and weight management. Dr. Jae’s Lipo-Laser program combines the latest non surgical lipo-laser technology and a doctor-supervised metabolic program to help patients quickly and safely reach and maintain their weight loss goals.

Dr. Jae’s Lipo-Laser & metabolic weight loss program has benefits like:
- Lose 20 to 35lbs in 6 weeks
- No exercise
- No pills
- No surgery
If you or a loved one are looking to slim down and feel better, Dr. Jae would love to help you find balance in your body. Just sign up to get a free consultation and get started today.
Weight Loss Testimonials
I lost 6 pants sizes in Just 3 weeks!
I Dropped 6 Sizes in JUST 2 Months!
My Doctors Told Me I Could NEVER Lose weight!
My Heel Pain Completely Gone!
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
2501 E Southern Ave Suite 13
Tempe, AZ 85282